Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who's in your genealogy?

Tamar, a widow who bribed her father in law to sleep with her...Rahab, a prostitute...Bathsheba, the object of David's misguided affections...what do all of these women have in common?  They were all in the line of Jesus.  God is so amazing to use weak, imperfect people as his vessels for greatness.

I have family members who came to the United States on the Mayflower.  I bet those pilgrims never imagined that one day they would have a great, great, great, great...granddaughter who was part of a mission traveling to Mexico to bring the gospel and message of Jesus to people there.

I've been thinking this morning about who might come after me in my family and the impact they will have on this earth for Christ.  All I have to do is have babies, and by doing so, I am affecting the world for Christ.  That's an exciting purpose to have, even if I never accomplish anything else on this earth.

I may never completely comprehend the impact that those who came before me who were faithful followers of Christ have on my life.  My mother and father, my grandparents, my great grandparents, my great great grandparents.  They weren't perfect people.  God used them to bring more people into the world who would make a difference for Him.  Their heritage of faith is an important part of who I am today.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much. It's very neat to think about our heritage and to appreciate those who came before us. I like to think about the affect my kids will have in the world along with their kids, and on and on. It's nice to rest in the purpose of motherhood, and the simplicity of it all.
